In addition to the above documents, accompanying documents are also attached to the application for a visa to England. There is no single list of accompanying documents, since the situation of each applicant is individual. Below is a list of documents that you should pay special attention to.
1. Old passports: Having visas and frequent trips abroad indicate your financial stability and ability to comply with the visa requirements of various countries.
2. Marriage/Children’s Certificates: If you are married or have minor children in your care, it is recommended that you carry copies of official documents with you as proof. Regular photocopies of marriage or birth certificates are sufficient. Notarization of copies is not required.
3. Documents from your place of study: if you are a student, it is advisable to attach documents from your educational institution to your visa application. The certificate can be obtained from the dean’s office; it will be drawn up according to the standard form of your university. You can also attach a copy of your student ID and grade book to this certificate to highlight your commitment to continue your studies.
4. Property Documents: If you have a registered property, it is recommended to provide the relevant documents. For an apartment, this may be a certificate of state registration of ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate; for a car – vehicle registration certificate.
5. Travel Sponsor Documents: The sponsor may be a close relative such as your parents or spouse (including common-law marriage). In addition to proof of financial solvency, this person must also provide a letter of sponsorship. Financial documents include a certificate of employment and a bank account statement.
6. Consent to leave from the parents: when applying for a visa for a minor child, you must provide consent to leave Russia from both parents. If a child is traveling with one of the parents, permission from the other parent will also be required. If a child travels without parents, the consent of both parents is required, as well as the accompaniment of a third party. To provide consent, it is enough to provide a copy of it; the original remains with you. Notarization of the copy is not required.
7. Cover letter: There is no visa interview to obtain a UK visa, so it is important that the applicant provides a complete package of documents. If there are any ambiguities, the visa officer will most likely not initiate additional requests and may simply refuse to issue a visa. It is therefore recommended that you include a short cover letter in English to explain certain aspects of your application.