Registration of Russian citizenship

Our agency also provides services for preparing documents for applying for Russian citizenship. Only stateless persons born before September 1991 and their minor children, as well as children of Russian citizens under 18 years of age, can apply for Russian citizenship in a simplified manner in Estonia. Citizens of Estonia and citizens of other countries must apply to obtain citizenship in Russia.

Cost of services

Type of consultation Cost

Filling out the form:

  • filling out the form
  • sign up at the embassy
  • copies of necessary documents

61 EUR

Turnkey service:

  • consultation
  • filling out the form
  • sign up at the embassy
  • copies of necessary documents
  • support service for the translation of documents from Estonian into Russian by an accredited translator of the Russian Embassy

122 EUR / 85 EUR (for children)

Additional costs (if any):

64 EUR – translation of a passport (or other document, a copy of which is filed with the translation)
42 EUR – translation of a certificate from the place of residence (or another document, the original of which is filed with the translation)
86 EUR – ID card transfer

Consular fee:

  • children under 18 years old – 65 EUR
  • adults – 117 EUR
  • children by birth – free

Documents for adults:

  • passport or ID card
  • birth certificate
  • certificate from the population register about place of residence (must be ordered from the local city government)
  • document confirming knowledge of the Russian language 1. state-issued document (its duplicate) on receipt of education (not lower than basic general education), issued by an educational institution (organization): before September 1, 1991 – on the territory of a state that was part of the USSR, after 1 September 1991 – on the territory of the Russian Federation; or 2. certificate of passing testing in the Russian language – testing can be taken in Tallinn, cost 135 euros, every Wednesday at 10:00, the test takes 45 minutes, the certificate will be ready in 1.5-2 months; or 3. a decision to recognize the applicant as a native speaker of the Russian language, adopted by a commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on recognizing a foreign citizen or stateless person as a native speaker of the Russian language The following are exempt from submitting documents confirming knowledge of the Russian language: – men who have reached the age of 65 years;
    – women over 60 years of age;
    – incapacitated persons;
    – disabled people of group I.
  • a document confirming previous USSR citizenship (a birth certificate issued by the USSR Civil Registry Office or a USSR consular office, or a USSR citizen’s passport, or a certificate from an authorized body of a foreign state on the exchange of a USSR citizen’s passport for a document certifying the status of a stateless person)
  • 3 photos (3*4 cm)
  • completed application in 2 copies

Documents for children under 18 years of age:

  • child’s passport or ID card
  • child’s birth certificate
  • a certificate for the child from the population register about the place of residence (must be ordered from the local city government)
  • a valid foreign passport of a parent – a citizen of the Russian Federation and a copy of the photo page, as well as, if available, an internal passport (if issued on the territory of the Russian Federation) of a parent – a citizen of the Russian Federation and a copy of the photo page, a copy of the “Place of Residence” page
  • passport of the other parent. If the other parent is an Estonian citizen or a stateless person, then either a passport or an ID card is provided.
    notarized consent of the other parent (foreign citizen) for the child to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation. Issued only at the consular department on Tuesday, Thursday from 10.00 to 12.00, the cost is 16 euros. Consent is certified exclusively by authorized officials of the consular department.
  • notarized consent (in any form) of the child (only for children from 14 to 18 years old) to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation. Issued only at the consular department on Tuesday, Thursday from 10.00 to 12.00, the cost is 16 euros. Consent is certified exclusively by authorized officials of the consular department.
  • 1 photo of a child 3*4 (for a child under 14 years old) or 2 photos of a child (for a child from 14 to 18 years old)
  • completed application in 1 copy. (for a child under 14 years old) or in 2 copies. (for a child from 14 to 18 years old)

Documents for children under 18 years of age for citizenship by birth:

A child acquires citizenship of the Russian Federation by birth if, on the child’s birthday:<

a) both of his parents or his only parent have citizenship of the Russian Federation (regardless of the child’s place of birth)

b) one of his parents has citizenship of the Russian Federation, and the other parent is stateless, or is declared missing, or his location is unknown (regardless of the child’s place of birth).

c) one of his parents has citizenship of the Russian Federation, and the other parent is a foreign citizen, provided that the child was born on the territory of the Russian Federation or if otherwise he will become a stateless person.

  • valid foreign passports of the parent(s) and a copy of the photo page. If you have internal passports (if issued on the territory of the Russian Federation) of your parents and a copy of the photo page, a copy of the “Place of Residence” page. Passport of a parent – a stateless person or a foreign citizen
  • child’s birth certificate
  • completed application in 1 copy
  • if necessary, a document from an authorized body of a foreign state of which one of the parents is a citizen, or on the territory of which the child was born, confirming that there are no grounds for granting the child citizenship of that foreign state by birth.


INFO TEL. 555 85 002

Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 10:00 – 15:00

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